

  • What would you like to be doing five years from now? Graphic Designer or Art Teacher.
  • How many brothers and sisters do you have? 3 younger brothers, no sisters.
  • How do you usually get to campus? How much time does it usually require for you to get to/from campus & home? I Drive to school, takes about 20 minutes.
  • What language(s) do you usually speak at home? Spanish with parents, English with siblings.
  • What kind of music do you like to listen to? I listen to everything but I’m a fan of EDM (Electric Dance Music).
  • Who do you know, other than a teacher, who has earned a college degree? Honestly I cant think of anyone, I want to be the first in my family.
  • What’s one thing about yourself that you’re proud of? My artistic abilities and talent.
  • What’s something you enjoy doing in your free time? Listen to music, play video games and watch movies. 
  • Do you hold a job? If so, what is it, and about how many hours/week do you work? I am a vale attendant at Trump Tower in white Plains, I do about 36-40 hours a week.
  • What is something you like about college? Meeting new people and learning new things.
  • What is something you don’t like about college? Work Work Work, Too much work!! :(.
  • Why did you choose to enroll in this course? Because I want to get familiar with Photo Shop, thinking about being a Graphic Designer.
  • What’s one thing that you want to learn in this course? Photo Shop.
  • Do you belong to any clubs or organizations – in or out of the college? Nope
  • What other courses are you taking this semester? Art History, Painting 1, Writing & Literature and this class.
  • Are you looking to earn a degree at Westchester Community College? If so, about how close are you to completing it? Associates, I need two more semesters.
  • My ideal job would be… Art Teacher Or Graphic Designer.
  • Three adjectives others might use to describe me are… Energetic, Easy going, Friendly.



This is my favorite piece created by me myself and I. This piece doesn’t really have a name but its a self portrait of myself. I drew this portrait my first semester at WCC. I used 18×24 drawing paper and charcoal. I chose this picture because it describes myself, I am an energetic and easy going person that likes to joke around. My face expression demonstrates the kid in me, my goofiness and you can still see that I’m smiling demonstrating the happy person that I am(:.


This piece is a piece made by Kazimir Malavich and I dislike it for one specific reason. I feel bad saying this because I don’t like to judge other peoples work, I love all types of art but I hate simpleness. I am a person that believes in creativity or actual work efforts put into their work, but this piece is too simple. I feel like the artist just taped the canvas to make the lines then painted the colors and that’s it. Like I said before its just too simple.

Not Sure:

I like this piece but at the same time I don’t. I like the creativity of him demonstrating a moon over the city, the problem is that I cant really identify and figure out if its really a city or if hes trying to show a flag with stripes that look like buildings. At the same time I like how he used the same color for the buildings and the background so it appears that the buildings are fading into the background.

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